Is It Time to Refresh Your Product Packaging?

Deciding to update your product packaging is a big move that involves considering various factors about your product and how it appears to your customers. Here’s a simple guide with key questions to help you figure out if your packaging needs a fresh look.


1. Has Our Product Changed?

If your product has changed, make sure your packaging accurately shows what you're offering.

2. Does Our Packaging Stand Out?

Look around at what your competitors are doing with their packaging. If yours seems to blend in too much, creating new packaging can help you grab attention and show what's unique about your product.

3. Are New Customers Noticing Us?

If you’re trying to reach new people but they don’t seem to pick up your product, your packaging might not be speaking their language. Changing it can help make that connection.

4. Is Our Packaging Sharable?

Good packaging makes people want to share your product online with friends. That’s free advertising for you!

5. Is Our Packaging Viewed Negatively?

If people think your packaging is bad for the planet, they might not buy it. New packaging can give you a fresh start.

6. Does Our Packaging Look Old-Fashioned?

If your packaging hasn’t kept up with design trends, it might seem out of date. Refreshing your look can make your product feel new and exciting.

7. Does Our Packaging Reflect Our Price?

If people aren’t sure about buying your product, your packaging might need to show why it’s worth it.

8. Is Our Product Name Clear?

Sometimes, the issue could be as simple as your product name not being clear or catchy enough on the packaging. Reevaluating your product name and design could make a big difference.


Changing your product packaging is not just about making it look different. It's a big decision that should show who you are, fit with your company's goals, and connect well with your customers. When you decide to change your packaging, make sure you have a good plan, know what your customers like, and keep your product's true nature in mind.

Jeff Sugarman

I’m Jeff Sugarman, an entrepreneurial designer and brand guide. I use design to help companies that are focused on the greater good hone their message. 

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